I stumbled into an internet platform on which people from all corners of the globe were offering a wide variety of creative services for, what seemed to me, impossibly little money. I was appalled for an instant, for all the reasons you can possibly imagine, but in short order my rat-like brain began to think of ways I could exploit this dubious resource more
Some short movies and a book made under dubious circumstances in collaboration with creative people around the world

Now well over 100 years ago, cubism was born in the painting Les Demoiselles d’Avignon by Pablo Picasso. Though the conventional belief is that this painting was the first salvo in an all-out assault on traditional modes of representation, of equal importance might be the identification by some art historians of this painting as an attack on the heterosexual, male collector essentially calling him on centuries of stolen pleasure gleaned by voyeuristically gazing at the naked bodies of women who were trapped within flat surfaces (behind a one-way mirror) and unable to gaze back. This painting may have been one of the first to ‘gaze back’ depriving the collector of his privileged position as the one who does the gazing more
A psychosexual exploration of three-dimensionality across flat surfaces and into extension

Let's start right at the surface, the first appearance. Euclid imagines that the eye "casts a look". The rays of this look strike a screen. The screen is the surface upon which the image will appear. It may be static or it may appear to move. It may appear flat or it may appear to have depth more
Realism springs from abstraction, a whole that cannot be broken into parts - only smaller wholes

“I don’t have an original idea in my head and I’ve been developing it for thirty years.”
-Doug Henry 2006[1]
Was it April first, I don’t remember now when I was invited to show at the Warschaw Gallery in San Pedro. Presented with the opportunity to fill this distinctive space I inventoried the contents of my gin soaked brain for a stepping-off point more
A Movie in 10 chapters and 10 photo posters all made and exhibited in the Warshaw Gallery, San Pedro, CA

2-D representations of 3-D space, from renaissance paintings to contemporary news and advertising photos, are based on a fixed point of view. This set piece uses the device of forced perspective to externalize the point of view. Once the point of view is out in the room, it can be taken or assumed by a viewer who will see the constructed illusion of 3 dimensions just as it would appear in 2 dimensions. As the viewer moves away from the fixed pov, however, their perception of the illusion begins to distort until, at some point, it completely breaks down more
A movie on two small monitors that plays behind a set constructed in the gallery at Harbor College.
Formula movies, inspired by readings, that may or may not have anything to do with the source material that inspired them.
FINAL CUT TEMPLATE #1 Robert Smithson
This movie quotes the artist Robert Smithson’s thoughts on traditional narrative cinema, then quotes Smithson quoting Jean-Luc Goddard on the ultimate movie, and finally, boldly attempts to follow Goddard’s prescription for making the ultimate movie.
FINAL CUT TEMPLATE #2 Hollis Frampton
From high above the Las Vegas Strip, a poor retelling of a story from within an essay by Hollis Frampton leads to some questions, which lead to a challenger to the audience, which leads to… a dramatic breakthrough? Hmmm, you be the judge.
FINAL CUT TEMPLATE #3 Herbert Marcuse
A movie in which we examine the differences between two copies of the same book: One Dimensional Man, by Herbert Marcuse. The examination sticks strictly to the surface appearance of the books and challenges the viewer to trust that no tricks were used to create the differences between the two books (and none were, I swear).